Audio Bug in Wade 1.1 ?



Trying to use the new engine and plugin with my existing polyphemus game.

It seems there is a bug in the new audio code.

When I call wade.playAudio(sound,false);  I get the following error.


Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function wade_1.1.js:192


Did the function and/or parameters change ?



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Yes, playAudio has changed - you can now pass a callback parameter to it (a function to execute when the sound is finished playing). However it is supposed to be an optional parameter, so it shouldn't complain if you don't pass a callback parameter. I'll correct that in the next release (there will be a minor release in a few days time).


Anyway, you can safely ignore that error - it says there is an error in the console, but shouldn't really affect anything.

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