game framework - sometimes screens not visible ?



I put together a little game framework that I was going to share with the rest of the gang.

It basically is a bunch of behavior files for the different screens (Intro, help, level, etc).

However, I am seeing an intermittent problem.

When I run the app, and then click on the help or home icons, the debugger shows that the behavior is running, but

sometimes the sprite is not visible ? All the functionality is still there, but the actual sprite which shows the screen you are in (i.e. help) isn't visible ?

I tried using setDirtyArea() on the sprite and it did not seem to fix the problem.

When I look in the debugger, it seems like the sprite and scene objects are there and correct ?


If you could take a quick look and let me know what I'm doing wrong, I would appreciate it.


The zipped files are attached. The html looks for the wade enigne from a common directory, other than that, it should run out of the box.


Thanks for any assistance you can offer.




All 5 Comments



I've had a look at it looks like you've uncovered a new bug. It's going to be fixed with the next release (next week):


BugFix (B112): Adding or removing scene objects when the simulation is paused doesn't trigger a redraw

Until then, an ugly but effective workaround would be to manually call wade.draw(layerId) after adding your scene object when the simulation is paused.


hey shri! Should be really usueful to someone like me who is always too lazy to implement pause screens and menus. Thanks

I did not really understand what bug there is, or is it been fixed?



If you are running the latest wade engine 1.4, you won't see any problem as the bug has been fixed.




Ok, I understand now. Thank you for sharing
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