Bug on behaviours tutorial


I think there is a bug in behaviors tutorial on line 16 of init function:


this.items[x][y].gridPositi x, y: y};




All 3 Comments

Hello. You are definitely right, this is a pretty large typo, thank you for pointing it out to us.


I have not read all of this tutorial, but based on the context I suspect the broken line

"this.items[x][y].gridPositi x, y: y};"


is supposed to look like this


"this.items[x][y].gridPosition = {x: x, y: y};"


What this is doing is giving each item an object named "gridPosition", and that object has 2 properties, x and y which are set equal to the current x and y given by the for loops. Hopefully this is right and it helps.



I will inform my master about this, he will likely respond here if I am incorrect with the above :)




Thank you. Another bug is on tutorial page "Loading Image" at:


Note that for this to work you'll need a file called clubs.png (download it here)


When you click on "download it here" it not works




Thanks for reporting both problems, I have now fixed them.


Let us know if you find any more :)

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