Can't get audio to stop when loading up the next scene.
Capital J Productionz

Hello everyone, i am having problems with stopping my main background music on the menu screen. The music starts when the scene loads up and i want the music to stop once i click the button to go to the next scene but the music just keep playing. I have looked at the audio tutorial but it does not show how to stop a sound so i looked up threads on here and saw that someone else had this same issue so i tried the things that were stated there but none of it is working. Can anybody help me with this? Thanks. 

All 3 Comments


Not sure what you've tried, but this is how I normally do it...

When I play a long sound, e.g. some background music, I store a reference to it in the object, so it remains accessible from everywhere. = wade.playAudio('soundtrack.ogg');

Then when it's time to stop the music (so before loading the next scene):


Does this work for you?

Capital J Productionz

Thanks for responding Gio, where can i find object? Or do you mean a particular object that i have on the scene? 

Capital J Productionz

Nevermind, i figured it out... Thanks for all your help Gio. 

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