Isometric mode: Placement of large art assets onto map.

Lets say that I already created an art asset that takes up 4x4 tiles or 16 tiles all together. If I'm using the WADE isometric editor is there a way to quickly place them all at once by selecting the art asset and then clicking a place to put it on the map? Or, will it be necessary to place all 16 of the tiles separately one by one? If it is possible to quickly place a large art asset like that with one click then can someone describe to me how to go about doing that? So far I've been having to place all my assets one tile at a time.

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Hello GentleRain.
You are right, there is an easier way to do this

Firstly, you do not need to make your asset as seperate tiles. For example, you may want a building that takes up 4x4 tiles, you could create the building as a single image.

Once you have your single image, you need to create a new tile in the relevant .its file. In the new tile panel, select your image as the source. Now that your tile is created, you want to right click it's thumbnail, and select edit tile template. You can offset and scale the sprite until it looks correct, then you need to find the edit grid and edit collision buttons.

First click edit grid. When you click on squares, you will notice the colour changes, to green from memory. A green square means the building or asset is occupying that square. You need to do the same for collisions, assuming your asset is collidable.

In the building example, this allows you to modify your collisions so characters can walk behind a buiding if you want.


Hopefully this helps. If you have any problems, just reply in this thread, I will keep an eye out :)


Hello foxcode,
Thankyou for you quick reply!

I was able to successfully bring an asset into the game which occupied 9 tiles using the method you described. I was quite happy to be able to do that. It took me a little while to figure out that I was supposed to use an isometric object instead of a terrain tile. But, terrain tiles don't have an option to edit grid or edit collision so after playing around with the settings on the screen I finally discovered the correct buttons. If you haven't guessed already I'm quite a novice at this. I guess this is one problem which is mostly behind me. But, I do have another question related to this. Once I got the object placed, which happens to be an asset for grass which occupies 9 ordinary tiles. I am now having a problem getting the character which I downloaded for use in the isometric map to correctly stand on top of the grass. Both of the assets are on Layer 25 and every time I place the character to try to get him to be on top of the grass tile he always ends up beneath it. Do you or anyone else out there which is readinig this... know how to most easily set one isometric object to correctly be displayed over the top of the other? I've tried to change the layer number inside of the tile editor for the grass tile and the isometric character, but as soon as I close the tile editor it reverts back to layer 25 again. Any help will be greatly appreciated. 



Hi GentleRain

All isometric objects end up on Layer 25 - they need to be on the same layer to ensure that they sort correctly.

The sorting (what appears in front of what) for isometric objects is purely based on the vertical (y) coordinate. Objects closer to the bottom of the screen appear in front of objects that are closer to the top.

Normally WADE does this based on the centre coordinates of each sprite, but this is not always what you want. If you want to adjust the sorting, try changing the sortPoint of the objects that aren't sorting correctly. This is expressed as a fraction of the sprite size, relative to the centre.

So for example, a sort point of {x:0, y: 0.5} means "use the centre-bottom point of the sprite for sorting".

In your specific case, you probably want a lower (possibly negative) sort point for your grass object.

If your grass object, however, is supposed to be terrain, it may better to create it as a terrain tile to ensure that it always, no matter what appears behind all isometric objects. As you said though, terrain tiles can only occupy one tile, so in that case it would have to be split into 9 separate tiles.


Thankyou Gio,

I greatly appreciate your help. I wouldn't make it very far with the editor without your help and the help of other friendly people in the community here. I'm not sure if I would have even been able to figure that out on my own since I dislike spending an unreasonably high amount of time trying to solve problems I'm not sure I can even solve.

Thanks again,

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