Jellinx - Wade Game with Physics plugin



I have placed a new game on my website.  its the only one in the third row

under the a couple of puzzle games category - 'Jellinx'


It is a matching game where you have to string together a sequence of jelly objects.

i.e. Jelly + Links = Jellinx

I know, NOT that clever, but I couldn't come up with a better name.


The Jellys and the containing box are physics objects and use the wade 1.1 physics plugin.

So, hopefully you see some physics like bouncing around and exploding.


There are still a few things I need to add/change, and I haven't tested it out on the mobile or touch screen yet

But the game play is all there.

As always, any and all feedback is appreciated.




All 3 Comments

Brilliant use of the physics plugin, it's a very nice game :)


I scored 3690


I think this is your best game yet Shri. It's quite polished and fairly addictive.

I died when I got all the colors because it was impossible to make a match for too long. (There we're only 2 purple jellies on the board and they were far apart).

I would be tempted to suggest either increasing the time you have on later levels, or coming up with some clever system to ensure it is always possible to make the provided match. One possible way to do this would be select one of your jellies at random, look at the types of two others that are near it, put them in a random order and use that as the target combination. This system would not be perfect but it would make it very unlikely for you to be given an impossible match.


Great work




Thanks for the feedback.

I modified the level data, so that now at higher levels, the jelly's expire faster and you get a little more time.

I tried it out and didn't seem to get "stuck" although a couple of times I had to wait a couple of seconds for something to become available.

This seems to work without having to do any 'load balancing', although this is something I will have to look into for future projects.


Thanks for giving it a go and have a nice weekend/




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