Loading screen

Is there an easy way to set up a loading screen in wade?

Currently I'm doing this in my init function (after loading the loading screen assets in my load function), then I load the actual game assets and use wade.setGlobalLoadingCallback to call a function when it's finished loading.
It works, but it seems to me that there should be an easier way, it's such a common task!
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Call wade.setLoadingImages() at the top of your load function, and pass it an array of image URL's.
From the docs:
Set the loading image(s) to be displayed while loading data
{string|Array} files An image file name, or an arrray of image file names. These images don't need to be loaded using loadImage

Precisely what I was looking for... thanks so much Gio!

I knew there would be an easier way, wade is full of awesome stuff that is too hidden! There should be tutorials for common tasks such as this one.

Hopefully the new website that we've been working on will address this problem.

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