Really interested

Is there a roadmap for future features? Do you know anything about that?

Any comments will be appreciated.

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Hi garry4

We are currently on Wade 3.8. We will be adding new features up to Wade 4.0, though the only one I'm presently aware of is a tilemap editor. We have an editor for isoemtric maps but currently none for 2D tilemaps which themselves are a new feature added in 3.8.

Once we hit 4.0 I believe we will be working on fixing bugs, making things more stable and improving performance. We are also working on a GUI overhaul, which also means remaking all the samples and tutorials. A lot of work but we should get it done eventually.

Of course, feel free to suggest features or changes that you want :)


Hi garry and thanks for your interest

We do have a detailed roadmap, but the details tend to change quite often as new requirements arise. We do use WADE actively for our own games and apps, and sometimes this may lead to changes in priorities. So we don't have a public detailed roadmap, however broadly I can tell you what's coming next.

WADE 4.0 is the next big release. There may be a 3.8.1 release if we or any other users find bugs that need to be corrected quickly - but any such release would only include bug fixes, no new features. New features will come with 4.0, which is going to include:

  • A new, more user-friendly UI for the editor
  • A lot of tutorials, fully integrated with the editor (no need to navigate to external pages to see them)
  • An extensive set of "repositories" that contain code and assets that you can drag and drop into your projects
  • A tilemap editor
  • A simpler API for SceneObjects, where being part of an isometric or tilemap world is a property of the object (no need to go through the iso or tilemap modules)
  • The ability to load projects from a remote URL
  • Downloadable, stand-alone versions of the editor for the various platforms
  • SceneObject groups
  • The ability to select multiple objects in the editor and move them all in one go
  • Quite a few sample projects to get started with your favourite game genre


Later, in versions 4.1, 4.2 etc we are going to add these (but in no particular order):

  • A particle system editor
  • A texture atlas editor
  • A simple image editing tool and shader baker
  • Profiling tools
  • Undo and Redo buttons
  • An isometric tile maker
  • Much better support for sound (i.e. stop supporting Internet Explorer and take full advantage of WebAudio)


And much later on, for version 5 we have been planning some cool things including some automagic multiplayer support, versioning and potentially cloud hosting to support more users working collaboratively on the same projects.

Now I'm not saying anything about time frames, because the last time I was asked, I said that version 4.0 would be ready by the end of October and clearly that is not the case, as we've only just released 3.8. Now it's looking more likely that it'll be ready some time in December. However we'll try our best to be as quick as possible, compatibly with our other projects :)

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