WADE for developing games on Mobile Devices

Hey Guys,


I have a question and thought it would be best to ask it here in the General Category. 


Lately, I have been using Intel XDK to develop mobile apps using HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript. I imported some of the games I developed with WADE since they are HTML 5 based and tried to run on the device. I noticed that they are slow in loading but they work fine on the Emulator.


I also tried playing this game FayFire, which is powered by WADE, on my mobile (Chrome Browser) and it too ran a little slow.


I really love WADE and think it's totally awesome and want to use it for all my game development projects. They run amazing on web browser of a computer but  on my Mobile it's quite slow. 


I want to know if this is happening because of lower end specifications of my mobile or other people have experienced this on their devices too?


I own a Samsung Duos by the way. 



1 Comment

Mobile performance is a very complex topic, and there's a lot you can do to improve it depending on the game type. First of all, let me note that the Duos has a pretty old GPU, so I wouldn't expect it to perform well with high-resolution fast-paced games like Fay Fire. Some devices where I've tested Fay Fire and it ran fine include:

HTC 8x ($150)
Nexus 5 ($360)
Nexus 7 2013 ($300)

The prices in brackets just to say that they aren't super-expensive high-end devices, just a bit newer than the Duos :)

Having said that, could you target a low-end device with WADE? Sure, I think we proved it with Zirma that ran fine on a sub $100 Firefox phone a year ago. How did we achieve it? Well, mainly by designing the game around the limitations of the target hardware. So for example: no assumptions about resolution (resolution increases with screen size), static screen that only moves on user input, all animations are tiny and on a separate layer, etc.

It isn't easy to design a game for low-end phones, but luckily there are a few tricks. The most likely cause for the slowness is the number of pixels you draw per frame. A lower resolution and a careful usage of layers can help a lot to reduce that. WADE has setResolutionFactor and setLayerResolutionFactors that will help you adjust resolution dynamically (i.e. if you detect an older or slower device, reduce resolution). There are many tricks that you can use, but ultimately depends on the type of game you are making.

Lastly, I'd suggest using CrossWalk for your android ports, rather than Intel XDK. Much faster.
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