Wade Game Engine Scene/Sprite loss even though saved


New to using this engine, I was following the card game tutorial to a T.


My cards were saved in .jpg format, so when you used the .png trick to get them to show I tried replacing the .png with .jpg, but to no avail.

So I photoshopped the jpg's to PNG and when I reloaded my workspace and loaded it, my cards/sprites were all gone.

Which I was kinda upset about.

Further, I was just going to spent 5 minutes recreating the cards, but when I put an image/sprite to the front end, literally no options appear on the right side of the screen.





P.S (I tried loading that scene1.wsc and it just shows a half loaded bar)

All 2 Comments



I think I'm going to need some more information to be able to help.


Firstly, there should be no problem at all with .jpg files, they work in exactly the same way as .png, so changing format in theory shouldn't change anything.


It sounds like somehow your project files were corrupted. If you open your console (F12) and look for any messages, there should be some indication as to what is going wrong.


Alternatively, you could download the project zip (with the download source button) and send it to me with a PM or by attaching it to a message in this thread, and I'll take a look.


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