Written game (memory) works in Firefox, but not in Chrome or IE

Hello guys,

first I have to say thank you for the great engine and the perfect tutorials.

But I got a problem: coded a memory game like the one in the YouTube-tutorial, but on my machine it only works with Firefox, not with IE or Chrome.

My OS is Win10, I got the actual Java installed (8U111, x86 and x64).

What could possibly be the problem?

If you need further infos just let me know.




Comments 16 to 23 (23 total)

How does it not work, what errors do you get?


Okay, checked it again, now it works in chrome and ff, again not in IE.


Maybe we should try an remote control or stuff like that? Don't know where you live and if it's possible or included in your service ;-)


I'd like to help but I'd need to know what errors you have... or attach your app's zip file here and I'll run it in IE 11 to see what happens


Okay, attached is the current version with your edited code in it.

Errors ar the Following:








It looks like my code above didn't really fix it. I've now updated my previous post with something that does work


Yes! Finally!

Wow. Now it works perfect!

Wher is your "donate"-Button? ;-)


Thanks for your quick responses and all your effort you put into this. Lovely to see there are people out there who share their hobbys and knowledge with others.


Best wishes from Germany,



No worries, I'm glad it's working. It's also helped us fix some compatibility issues with IE11 (a platform that we don't use very often), making WADE more robust.


Sounds like a Win-Win-Situation :-)

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