3d starfield demo



I redid an old starfield demo for three.js see here http://creativejs.com/tutorials/three-js-part-1-make-a-star-field/


The new demo is up on my site www.ashatej.com.

It is the first one "starfield demo"


If your browser supports webgl, you should see a bunch of spheres flying towards youas if you were flying throught space.


The controls let you rotate the x and y axes around the origin.

If anyone asks, I'll put the code up on share and fork.

Otherwise just enjoy the demo.




1 Comment

Hi Shri, looks pretty good.


I would be really tempted to add some sparkling effect with a shader to the particles, and maybe some volumetric fog so the particles fade in instead of spawn infront of you.

You are actually pretty close to having a working tail gunner game here. All you would need to do is make the particles asteroids then add a shooting mechanic. It's a while

since I have done any 3D, my head was very good at messing up the translations :). God dam matrices

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