Auto-populate script names

Is there a reason the drop-down list for available behaviors auto-populates in the SceneObject behaviors tab, but the field in the Scripts drawer of the Scene Properties does not auto-populate with available JavaScript files to add to the Scene?

Currently, when you begin to type a file name of a JS file in the project, a menu appears just below the field to auto-complete file names. It might not be a fair assumption that since there is already some auto-complete built-in, that it shouldn't be too much more effort for the auto-complete to work automatically for all the available files when the field is clicked on. Maybe it doesn't do this by design?

What are your thoughts?

All 3 Comments

This is actually very easy to do. So much so, that it will be included in the 3.4 release, which we were hoping to do yesterday but will end up being tomorrow instead. Anyway, it won't be a dropdown box like it is for the Behaviors, because you may want to include scripts that are not in the project (e.g. some script from a remote URL), but we can get a box with the list of all local scripts to appear as soon as you select the input box.

Currently you have to start typing at least one character before the autocomplete kicks in, from 3.4 it will appear instantly.





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