Hi There
I am creating my own custom load Screen for my wade game. I am not using the onlien wade editor. I load my load screen on inside the init function. I have a secondary function that loads my assets which I call once my laod screen has been set up. I have functions controlling teh visual updates on my laod screen. Then I use in my secondary function as I am loading assets callback function to update my load screen progress bar adn text. It does work but with one issue.
Inside my load screen update function I use wade.getLoadingPercentage() to determine how much has been loaded. This is called by asset loading callbacks. I also output this to the console inside my load update function. It seems as if the progress however is counting down. SO the first output is 100% then going down as more assets are loaded and calling back to my update function.
Is there a different way of doing this? Or am I calling things in the incorrect order?