I have two problems which both stem from the same underlying issue. That being, importing large number of files is extremely slow. I have a zip file with 50,000 images in it that I need to import. And, before you ask, yes, I need all of them.
Problem #1: At first, the import speed isn't bad but it gets slightly slower every file. At this point, it's been importing for almost a full day, it's at approximately 36,000 of 50,000 and each file takes 3-5 seconds to import. Is there a faster way to import large numbers of resources?
Problem #2: There is more than one of us who needs to work on this project and this means that we need to import/export project zips and send them back and forth because the file storage used for the game files isn't native and, therefore, cannot be added to a version control system. While undesireable, this would still be plausible if import could be completed in a reasonable time frame. Unfortunately, importing an exported source package is every bit as slow as importing the images in the first place. How can we share a single WADE project between multiple people?
What should we do?