So there are 2 distinct issues here:
1. You must upload your files on a "static" web server. By this I mean a basic server that just serves your content, without any dynamic components so you don't need php, wordpress, sharepoint or anything like that. All those may work if they let you just upload your files, but they do way more than you need, and typically cost more than you should spend.
There are many ways of doing this. There are some super-easy drag-and-drop ones, that are a bit expensive (around $5/month), for example
There are some professional, slightly more complicated, but very cheap ones, like Amazon S3 (a few cents per month, depending on traffic). See for example here for a guide.
Finally, there are free solutions, such as github pages. If you're not familiar with git, then this is a bit more complex, but it's totally free.
2. Once you've got a static website hosting your game, you need to point your domain to that website. I assume you have bought a domain name through goDaddy. In this case, if you go in the control panel to manage your domain, there should be options to add an A record (I don't have a domain on goDaddy to check, it's possible that it doesn't allow you to set a A record, but an ALIAS or an ANAME record would also work). This is a way to say that visitors to your domain should be redirected to the static site that hosts your game.
Once you've decided which hosting solution you want (say for example github pages), you can google something like "github pages custom domain goDaddy", I'm sure there will be plenty of tutorials about setting things up for your specific case.