On older browsers, and specifically internet explorer, audio is very poorly supported (it's a general problem, not specifically WADE's problem) and you have 3 options:
1. The easy / lazy way: click the "WebAudio Only" option in your scene's properties and audio will only load where WebAudio is supported. In other words, you will get no audio in IE but it will work in browsers that support WebAudio, including Microsoft Edge.
2. Do not add your audio files to the scene. Instead, in app.js, add a load function to your App where you do something along these lines:
this.load = function()
You can then use playAudio() normally, but this approach will not guarantee that your files will be loaded before starting the game. If you call playAudio() on a file that hasn't finished loading, it will not play.
3. Call wade.isWebAudioSupported() and based on the result call either wade.loadAudio or wade.preloadAudio in your load function:
this.load = function()
var loadAudioFunction = wade.isWebAudioSupported()? 'loadAudio' : 'preloadAudio';
Regarding your other problem with IE 10, could you be a bit more specific? It sounds like it could be a bug and I'd like to fix it, what do I need to do to replicate it? If you want to share your project files I can have a look.