Iso Objects and Behavyors

I just found WADE and started messing around with it this weekend in an attempt to make a (probably terrible) isometric game. Naturally, I have a metric (almost imperial!) fuck-tone of questions but most I'm confidant I'll find the answer to in one tutorial or the other or with enough experience. One, however, I don't think I'll figure out on my own: how can I add custom behaviors to isometric objects?

I ask since the behavior tab that is present for regular SceenObjects is absent from Iso Objects. Is there another way to add behaviors to these objects? If not, is there a good way to attach common code chunks that listen to a variety of onWhatever calls to a variety of iso objects to insure there is as little copy/pasting of code going on as possible?

Still, though, thank you for putting WADE out here for me to find! :D

EDIT: Crap! Sorry for the mangled subject line. I'm terrible at English and if something isn't telling me something is misspelled, I won't catch it until it's way too late... like that subject line. Really sorry.

EDIT 2: Double Crap, but in a good way! I figured it out and feel real stupid now, but I figured I would. Sorry for wasting y'all's time.

For any other WADE noobie out there who might have the same question, you need to right click on the iso template and select "Edit Tile Template." There, under the preview image of the tile template, you should see a text field labeled "Name" with a combo select under that labeled "Type" and with "Isometric Object" selected (hopefully) and, finally, under that, a text entry field labeled "Behaviors". It probably only has "IsoCharacter" writen in it. Just add a comma and type in the name of what ever behavior it is that you made, i.e. "IsoCharacter, npcMain".

Sorry for using up server space with this dumb question. I have to learn that a little time away from the computer can answer most questions.

All 2 Comments


Don't worry it was actually a good question, I don't know if it's been covered in some turorials or not.

Yes, there is a Behaviors field in the tile editor, you can type in a behavior name, or multiple behavior names separated by commas. Unfortuantely there isn't a Behaviors tab for isometric obejcts like there is for standard 2d objects, yet.

We are also working on an isometric project at the moment, and we are making quite a few improvements to the isometric part of WADE, hopefully these will help you too.


Improvements? Heck, what you have right now is pretty darned awesome! My problems all just seem to be issues of unfamiliarity like not knowing to edit the template to add behaviors to iso objects or, embarrassingly enough, forgetting to add a script to the scripts tab so a behavior could be used -- it took me a day and a half to figure out why a new behavior wasn't working even though it was a strait up copy/paste of a working one.

Thank you again for making this available to us!


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