After fooling around with the iso plugin, I have the following requests / suggestions.
-For the iso 'states' would be nice. I get "Idle_iso_" and "Walk_iso_", but are there others, and are there ways to define your own, what events trigger the switching, etc.
-A list of the supported events which objects and iso objects can receive. These can be found, but one list which has a line about what they do and when they are triggered would be nice.
-A map editor - which you said is forthcoming will be nice
-Draw grid does not draw the lines over transitions and details, is there a way to do this so you can see the grid over your final world.
-IsoCharacter.getGrid() - to return the grid x and z of this iso character
-startWandering - the targetObject parameter should be optional, in case you want to wander aimlessly.
getValidMovementDirections(object, range) - passing an object and range returns an array of the valid movement directions for a specific iso character
Anyway, just my 2 cents. The engine and the iso plugin are really nice to work with.
You guys are doing a great job.