Loading game start page

Hi all,

I kinda new to Wade (But a long time web developer) and i wonder if there is a quick and easy way to create a "loading.." scene while loading all images.

I looked at examples and could not find one example that show how to implement a pre game loading scene.



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There are a couple of ways to go about it, if you want to use actual scene files a common pattern is this:

// load a first simple scenewade.loadScene('firstScene.json', true, function(){     // first scene has been loaded     // preload a second scene (this means it will be loaded asynchronously without blocking the execution of the first scene)     wade.preloadScene('secondScene.json', false, function()     {           // second scene has been loaded, do something here     }, true); // true means you want to remove any objects from the first scene before adding those from the second scene});
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