I took a break from the physics demos to put together a little game using some of the stuff from the book.
The game is called "Rift Runner".
It is basically a space version of chutes (snakes) and ladders.
If your browser supports 3D transforms, it should look like you are flying into the screen slightly.
If not, it will just look like you are going up the screen.
You can play the game on my site
I have also put the whole thing up here in the share and fork.
Some of the assets in the game are under the CC3.0 license.
The background music is courtesy of Eric Matyas who contributes to this site.
The game sprites are courtesy of Ram Zorkot who goes by Tatermand on
If you reuse any of the assets, please respect the rights of their creators.
Everything else is CC0, and so is in the public domain
The code is mine and as usual, you are free to do as you like with that.