Sector 7 Game



I have placed a new game on my website. It is the first one in the second row "Sector 7".

It is a top down shooter with a space theme.


I still have a bit to do on it, so it isn't quite finished yet.

But I wanted to let everyone play around with the beta version.


Any and all feedback is appreciated.




All 10 Comments

Hi Shri.


Tried the game. Really love the old school art style, the bigger baddies and gaining friends as your progress through levels.

I found the controls a little confusing. Most top down games for computer that I have played in the past simply use wasd and shoot.

w and s move forwards and backwards with respect to the direction the character is facing. A and D turn on the spot like your left and right arrow keys currently do.




Thanks for the feedback.

I changed the interface so:

w = forward

s = backward

a= rotate left

d = rotate right

up arrow = fire


It actually simplifies the gui

I made some other minor changes too.


Hopefully, I can  finish out the other levels in the next week or so.





Hi Shri


I played your game with the new controls. It definitely feels easier to play, and the screen is alot clearer without the large virtual joystick, but I would still like to nit pick if I may :P


The controls on a mobile are great, but I would love the ability to turn and move at the same time. You are using a switch statement for onKeyDown.

		switch (key) {			case 38:						// up arrow;				break;			case 87:						// w key				player.character.moveDir(0);				break;			case 65:						// a key				player.character.turn(;				break;			case 68:						// d key				player.character.turn(;				break;			case 83:						// s key				player.character.moveDir(180);				break;

I was wondering if you considered trying the following using {boolean} isKeyDown(keyCode)

It is just a different approach that will allow turning and moving in the new direction in the same frame, turning wont take priority over moving etc. It is fine if you prefer your solution, it is your game :). I just think it would give more precise control over the character.

/* Controls to allow turning and movement keys to both be pressed at the same time   without one action taking priority over the other */// Handle turningif(wade.isKeyDown(65)){    player.character.turn(; // Turn left}else if(wade.isKeyDown(68)){    player.character.turn(; // Turn right}// Handle movementif(wade.isKeyDown(87)){    player.character.moveDir(0); // Walk forwards}else if(wade.isKeyDown(83)){    player.character.moveDir(180); // Walk backwards}

I have not tested the above code, but I think it will result in much smoother movement on computer with wasd controls.


Looking forward to seeing the finished game.







Don't you have any real work to do ?

Just kidding, I appreciate the feeback, the keyboard game play is much smoother.

You can basically fly your guy around in circles and shoot to your hearts content


Here is the new onKeyDown function

// suggested changes courtesy of foxcode at clockwork chilli// changed to allow turning and movment keys to be pressed at the same timegameGui.onKeyDown = function(eventData) { 	var player =; 	// up arrow = fire 	if (wade.isKeyDown(38)) {; } 	// handle turning a = rotate left, d = rotate right	 if (wade.isKeyDown(65)) { player.character.turn(; } 	else if (wade.isKeyDown(68)) { player.character.turn(; }		 	// handle movement w = walk forward, s = walk backward	if (wade.isKeyDown(87)) { player.character.moveDir(0); }	 else if (wade.isKeyDown(83)) { player.character.moveDir(180); }	return true;};	// end onkeydown

I also had to make a small modification to the onUpdate function.

Just changed else if to if for the key down check.


I have tested this out and it works on my machine.

I have some other stuff to do, but there should be a new version of the game on my site by tonight my time.


Thanks for the help, I owe you a beer, or a redbull, or whatever you guys are drinking these days.


Okay, the latest version is up there - 4 levels, new units (cannoneer (friendly) and gun turrets (hostile)), better transition between levels.

Still TODO - 3 more levels, (maybe I should have named it sector 4), health bars, air strikes.







The latest version of sector 7 is up on my site.

I have added a health bar, better transitions between levels, a new level (#5) and drone strikes (starting in level 4).

There are a couple of keyboard shortcuts to move quickly  through levels.

Once you accept a level, press the p key to pass the level (go to the next one).

To commit suicide, press the f key to fail the level (you die and retry the same level).


Anyway, if you give the game a go, all feedback is appreciated.

Also, if you have any ideas for more stuff to add to levels 6 and 7, I would welcome that too.







The latest version of sector 7 is up on my site.

All the levels are complete (1-7).

If you want to see an example of the flashlight effect, try levels 3 or 5.

Use the keyboard shortcut 'p' to pass throught the levels if you just want to see how the flashlight effect looks.

Any and all feedback is appreciated.





Just came across this, and wanted to say that I really love it!




I'm glad you like the game.

I just finished making some fixes so that it should work on the apple (still untested).

And the touch screen should handle multi-touch (i.e. turn and fire), (has been tested).





Hi Shri


It still doesn't work on iOS 5.1, because it says "variable not defined: FileReader"


Like I said in the other thread, we will add a fallback for loadFont on old iOS versions in the next release of WADE. However, for the time being, when dynamically loading a font you could do:

window.FileReader && wade.loadFont('myFont.woff');



Added your  suggested line for font loading, and pushed the code up to my site.

Thanks for your help.




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