
I thought I'd start a thread with some teasers of what's coming next for WADE and this website in general.


The first thing I'm going to post is a screenshot of a new sample game, that is going to appear on this site with the next update (at the end of January). It uses our new physics engine (which is also going to be available at the end of January). The goal is to pop the balloon, using the tools on the left-hand panel (two balls and a fan).


The nice thing about it... no, the great thing about it, is that it's only about 200 lines of code, including comments.



All 12 Comments

That's evil, man... I want it now!


I've always loved 2D physics games, can't wait to make my own if it's as easy as you say.


this is excitinf! Is it coming before the isometric plugin, or the isometric plugin before this? I prefer this than the isometric plugin, so many things you can do with physics! Is is free or paid?


It's going to be released at the same time as the isometric plug-in. We are preparing a rather big update for the end of this month.


The physics plug-in is going to be free for early adopters (that includes you, Taddeus), and very cheap for everyone else. 


It looks good, but i am using box2dweb with my wade project. Is your physics engine based on box2d too? How does it compare to box2dweb?


No, it isn't based on box2d. It's a physics engine that's been built from scratch (although inspired by some code by Randy Gaul).


Box2dweb was originally a C/C++ physics engine, that was ported to flash. The flash version was then automatically translated into javascript. While it works and it can do some great things, its performance is quite poor when compared to ours that was written from the ground up to make use of the strength of the language. However, box2dweb is more complex and lets you do things (such as objects bound to other object with ropes, etc) that you can't (yet) do with wade.physics. But the fact that wade.physics is simpler implies that it's also (much) easier to use.


Wade.physics supports all types of convex shapes, simulates collisions, gravity, air resistance, etc. and does so quite quickly. I think it would be a better choice for most games, even physics-intensive ones (games like angry-birds for examples). Also, it's very well integrated with WADE, so you simply add a behavior to your wade scene objects, and they start being affected by the physics simulation. They also receive 'onCollision' events, in the same way the receive other events in WADE.


sounds good, if it's faster i think I'll use yours.


A slightly more mysterious picture... who is this lady? 



She is an isometric lady! And this is a screenshot from your isometric plugin!


Almost correct Elliot! She is an isometric lady :) But that isn't a screenshot of our isometric plugin


Something really cool (and mainly black) is coming next week... quite mysterious, I know, but would it be a teaser otherwise? :P


hmmm... blackberry support?


Nope, we already support blackberry... nice try though :)

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