Wade Installation


I know this is a stupid question but I just found out about Clockwork Wade today.

I clicked download, extracted the files however I do not know how to install the program or if this is even a program. I double wade_1.4.2. and select run however the "Error:'Image' is undefined" appears and I do not know how to continue or what to do. Any help with this issue would be much appreciated.

Thank you


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Hi Alex. I suggest you watch this video I made a little while back. It covers setting up wade and how to run a simple program, you can skip the first minute :)


Thank you foxcode for your quick reply. I watched your video and was following along until the "--allow-file-access-from-files" section at 9 minutes. I followed exactly what you did and tried this in both googlechrome and firefox. I have included a picture of the error. 


Hi Alex, I am having a slow morning. That command is likely different in firefox, in fact my version of firefox didn't require anything. As for chrome I am not sure what is going on, though I can provide you with an alternative method that might get around it while I work out what is going on.


Instead of dragging the index file onto the browser shortcut which requires that line to work, try the following.


1. Go to http://www.clockworkchilli.com/cc_shop/index.php?id_product=60&controller=product&id_lang=1 and download prompt.js, it is free

2. Once downloaded, double click on the exe file to install it

3. Now, there should be a file called prompt.js that has a command window icon, click on that and you should end up with a command line interface.


4. Now in prompt js, we need to move to the directory where you downloaded wade and where your game is located. To do this use the following command.
cd "C:\Users\foxcode\Projects\mygame"
Obviously replace the address I have with the one for where your game is, cd stands for change directory.


5. Type in the following...        server 1234

6. Now open chrome and type localhost:1234 in the url bar and press enter


What we are doing here is hosting a server on port 1234. This should allow you to bypass the local files bug you are having, though I realize this might be complicated so if you don't understand anything or hit another problem, feel free to post here, I will keep an eye open on this topic. Good luck!


DAMMIT I know what it is. You can still do the thing with promp.js if you want but you are missing a space. There has to be a space after the " and before the --

Here is mine at work


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --allow-file-access-from-files


Note the space after .exe"

I think that will fix your problem. Also after doing this, you should close all instances of chrome you have running, and open a new instance from this shortcut, otherwise it seems to not take effect

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