Hi Gio
I am almost certain iPads will be used a lot more for producing things (like programs or games) not just consuming. At least in schools. A lot of schools are buying iPads (instead of computers) for each pupil. Partly because it is cheaper, partly because of the mobility, camera, etc. I would say it is growing fast in Sweden.
And we also have a trend to learn programming earlier and for more of the children. Eg. by using code.org
That makes it highly interesting to teach programming with a tool like Wade Game Engine.
There are apps for game programming on iPad, eg Codea (LUA), but I would like to use javascript and get more platform independence.
I´m not the one to say how to implement Wade for iPad, but I would like it to happen...
I have heard about IndexedDB, that may help for Firefox and IE, but for iOS it looks buggy.