Wade physics gravity not jitting ground

Hi.  I've been messing around with Physics.  Gravity is set, but when my falling objet hits the ground, there isn't any contact (searching for the contact through overlapping objects).  However, there isn't any.  I tried changing the offset but significantly changes the depth of my player on the platform.  Suggestions?

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Never mind... play with the numbers long enough and you can find something that works....



If using wade.physics, I wouldn't try to do collisions yourself by getting overlapping objects. Instead, your falling object should be have a PhysicsObject behavior with body type set to dynamic, and the ground object should have a PhysicsObject behavior with body type set to static.


That answer didn't address the contact issue. No worries though, I took the hour and wrote my own physics engine to handle a platformer.  There were too many problems with characters turning upside down when they didn't hit a platform flush, etc. Now if half my player makes the jump he is put safetly and smoothly put on the platform.

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