Yet another share and fork question (YASAFQ)
I am going through the book Physics for Javascript - by Dev Ramtal and Adrian Dobre.
I am redoing ('porting") the examples in their book to run with wade.
I am also incorporating some stuff from the book HTML5 Animation with Javascript - by Keith Peters.
My idea was to put all the examples on here via share and fork.
The directory structure is similar to what you would get if you were to download the book source code.
There is a lib directory which holds all lthe common files, and then chapter directories for each chapter.
In each chapter directory, there is an html file whose name is relevant to the example in the book.
For exmple, chapter 5 contains collisionTest.html, floatingBall.html, forceTest.html which run same named javascript files that perform some example from the book.
It seems like share and fork expects one index.html file to run one project/app ?
Do you have any advice on how to proceed ?
I am already through chapter 5 and would like to share the the code with the rest of the
"wadeites / wadeions / waders / wadeans"
As always AHYCPIA (any help you can provide is appreciated).