I understand why it may seem that way, but that is not correct. You can update the progress bar with that approach, let me explain how it works:
1. wade executes the load function, where you start to load your assets
2. normal javascript execution of your code continues normally
3. when all assets have finished loading, wade executes the init function
So after the load function has been executed, and before the init function is executed, you can (and should) update your facebook progress bar.
For example:
App = function() {
var updateProrgessBarInterval;
var updateFacebookProgressBar = function() {
var percentLoaded = wade.getLoadingPercentage();
// use percentLoaded to update facebook bar
if (percentLoaded == 100) {
// load all your assets here
this.load = function() {
updateProgressBarInterval = setInterval(updateFacebookProgressBar);
// when this function is called, all your assets are ready to use
this.init = function() {
var mySprite = new Sprite('myImage.png');
This will work if you load all your assets in the load function.
You don't have to do that, but then it gets more complicated to keep track of what's been loaded and is ready to use. But it's still possible and no too difficult.