I didn't see anything about how to use the new physics stuff with a platformer. So, I put together a little demo. If you go to my site, it is at the bottom of the demos section (physics robot demo). The robot moves left, right and jumps using the left,right and up arrow keys. It can also push around some objects. I tested it on a PC with firefox and chorme and it seems to work as advertised.
The demo uses box2d joints which aren't yet integrated into the wade physics extension, but are easy to add. Basically a joint in box2d is used to tie multiple physics bodies together, (think of your elbow joint which links together your humerus and radius/ulna). The robot jumps using a prismatic joint (a piston) also, the hightest platform is attached to an anchor with a distance joint which gives it a little bouncy effect. The movement isn't perfect and could use some tweeking, but should be good enough for demonstration purposes.
The whole demo is available for download as a zip file. The graphics were released under CC0 and obtained from or are from here. There is some standard copyright stuff in the source code, but feel free to do with it what you like. I don't use the online editor, so you have to know a little code to understand what is going on. With a little work, you could easily modify this to create your own plaftormer with different graphics assets (and imporve the motion).
If you have any questions regarding the demo, post them to this thread and I will try to get you an answer.
If I get some requests, then I can put together a blog post breaking down how I did this in simpler steps.
happy new year - cheers - shri