Hi Rambo. I am just about to update share and fork with our twin stick shooter. In our game, we used the following...
wade.setLayerTransform(this.layers.ui, 0, 0);
This means that the given layer will essentially ignore the camera and always appear to be in the same place on screen unless you manually move it, perfect for UI. You can then move your player in an onUpdate function, and lock the camera to him using wade.setCameraTarget(this.playerCharacter);
I hope this helps. please message back if it is not what you are looking for or you have questions :)
The below is from wades online documentation
setCameraTarget(target, inertia, offset)
Set a scene object for the camera to follow.
{SceneObject} target Optional The scene object to follow. If omitted or falsy, the camera target is cleared.
{number} inertia Optional The inertia of the camera, between 0 (no inertia) and 1 (maximum inertia, i.e. the camera doesn't move at all)
{object} offset Optional An object with 'x' and 'y' fields, that specifies an offset relative to the center of the target scene object to follow.
setLayerTransform(layerId, scale, translate)
Set a coordinate transformation for the layer. This will determine how the objects in the layer are rotated and translated when the camera moves
{number} layerId The layer id
{number} scale The scale transformation factor. The default value is 1. A value of 0 indicates that no scaling will occur when the camera moves. Higher values indicate more scaling.
{number} translate The transformation factor. The default value is 1. A value of 0 indicates that no translation will occur when the camera moves. Higher values indicate larger translations.