Non-linear camera movement

How to move the camera using a custom-defined function for the speed

When calling wade.moveCamera, you can use a constant for the speed, but you can also use a function. This function is passed the distance to the target, and returns a number, that is the speed to use for the camera movement.
App = function() { var zoomIn = true; this.load = function() { wade.loadImage('/snippets/samples/back.jpg'); wade.loadImage('/snippets/samples/cc_logo.png'); }; this.init = function() { // create 2 objects and add them to the scene var background = new SceneObject(new Sprite('/snippets/samples/back.jpg')); wade.addSceneObject(background); var logo = new SceneObject(new Sprite('/snippets/samples/cc_logo.png')); wade.addSceneObject(logo); // tell wade to move the camera again when it's finished moving this.onCameraMoveComplete = this.moveCamera; // start moving the camera this.moveCamera(); }; this.moveCamera = function() { // choose a target var target = zoomIn? {x: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 200, y: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 150, z: Math.random() * 5} : {x:0, y: 0, z: 1}; // move camera towards target, using a function to calculate its speed based on the distance to our target wade.moveCamera(target, function(distance) { return Math.max(distance, 5); }); }; };
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