
Fields Summary


Current state of the gamepad to base movement off

Current state of the keys to base movement off

Whether or not to allow diagonal movement, true by default

A flag that specifies if the character can be controlled by player input

Specify the animation names to use for various walking and idle states

Automatically rotates object to match movement

Keyboard keys to control the character. By default arrow keys are used

Axis and direction of gamepad controls

The game pad to use

The movement speed of the character (in world units per second). Note that changing this won't affect any movement that is currently in progress, only future movements. Default is 160.

The name of the behavior. This is set to 'TilemapCharacter'.

Used for automatic rotations. A sprite can have any orientation

Current velocity of the object

Functions Summary

TilemapCharacter._inputState (direction)

Looks at both keyboard and gamepad state data to determine movement
TilemapCharacter.boxInGrid (box)

TilemapCharacter.calcFutureCoords (pos, vel)

Applies one tick of velocity to the position, and returns the final cell co-ordinates
TilemapCharacter.clearDestinations ()

Remove any destinations that were added with setDestination()
TilemapCharacter.generateCollisionBox ()

Constructs a collision box based on the bounding boxes of all sprites belonging to the scene object.
TilemapCharacter.getNextDestination ()

Get the next destination
TilemapCharacter.handleTileTransition (futureCoords)

Tests and handles moving into a new tile
TilemapCharacter.illegalTile (dest, exception)

Returns true if either the tile is off the grid, or the tile contains a collidable object
TilemapCharacter.inGrid (x, y)

Helper Function - Returns whether the co-ordinates are inside the tilemap boundary
TilemapCharacter.onAddToScene (params)

Initialises the collision box and sets the local rotation value from the parent
TilemapCharacter.onKeyDown (data)

Updates keyboard state
TilemapCharacter.onKeyUp (data)

Updates keyboard state
TilemapCharacter.onUpdate ()

Update character state based on user input
TilemapCharacter.overlappingTerrainTiles (displace)

Returns tile co-ordinates of all terrain tiles overlapping the character
TilemapCharacter.setDestination (gridCoords)

Set a destination (a tile to move to) for the character.
TilemapCharacter.setRotationOffset (offset)

Calculates the rotations needed for the character
TilemapCharacter.updateAnimation (direction, noMove)

Plays the correct animation depending on the control input state
TilemapCharacter.updateGamepadState ()

Samples the gamepad to get the current states of the buttons and axis
TilemapCharacter.updateVelComponent (noMove, vel, direction)

Adds a direction velocity, taking into account diagonal motion
TilemapCharacter.updateVelocity ()

Updates the velocity and calculates the closest direction for the animation system
TilemapCharacter.velocityToDirection (vel)

Returns the closest movement direction given a provided velocity

Fields Details


Current state of the gamepad to base movement off

Current state of the keys to base movement off

Whether or not to allow diagonal movement, true by default

A flag that specifies if the character can be controlled by player input

Specify the animation names to use for various walking and idle states

Automatically rotates object to match movement

Keyboard keys to control the character. By default arrow keys are used

Axis and direction of gamepad controls

The game pad to use

The movement speed of the character (in world units per second). Note that changing this won't affect any movement that is currently in progress, only future movements. Default is 160.

The name of the behavior. This is set to 'TilemapCharacter'.

Used for automatic rotations. A sprite can have any orientation
This offset is used when calculate the rotation angles for each direction

Current velocity of the object

Function Details

TilemapCharacter._inputState (direction)

Looks at both keyboard and gamepad state data to determine movement

direction : The direction we are wanting to move

Returns * : Whether or not there is input for the provided direction

TilemapCharacter.boxInGrid (box)

box : Takes a bounding box in the form (minX, minY, maxX, maxY}

Returns boolean : Returns true if the bounding box is completely inside the tilemap area

TilemapCharacter.calcFutureCoords (pos, vel)

Applies one tick of velocity to the position, and returns the final cell co-ordinates

pos : The current position

vel : The current velocity in units per second

Returns * : The cell co-ordinates we will be in

TilemapCharacter.clearDestinations ()

Remove any destinations that were added with setDestination()
TilemapCharacter.generateCollisionBox ()

Constructs a collision box based on the bounding boxes of all sprites belonging to the scene object.

Returns object : Returns a collision box of form {minX, minY, maxX, maxY}

TilemapCharacter.getNextDestination ()

Get the next destination

Returns Object : An object with x and y fields representing the next destination, or null if there are no destinations in the queue

TilemapCharacter.handleTileTransition (futureCoords)

Tests and handles moving into a new tile

futureCoords : The characters co-ordinates after velocity has been applied in world space

TilemapCharacter.illegalTile (dest, exception)

Returns true if either the tile is off the grid, or the tile contains a collidable object

dest : Co-ordinates of the tile to test

Returns boolean|* : Is the move illegal

TilemapCharacter.inGrid (x, y)

Helper Function - Returns whether the co-ordinates are inside the tilemap boundary

x : The x cell co-ordinate

y : The y cell co-ordinate

Returns boolean : Returns true if co-ordinates exist on map

TilemapCharacter.onAddToScene (params)

Initialises the collision box and sets the local rotation value from the parent
If drawCollisionBox flag is true, draws the debug collision box

Returns object : Returns a collision box of form {minX, minY, maxX, maxY}

TilemapCharacter.onKeyDown (data)

Updates keyboard state

data : Event data that specifies keyCode among other things

Returns : {boolean}

TilemapCharacter.onKeyUp (data)

Updates keyboard state

data : Event data that specifies keyCode among other things

Returns : {boolean}

TilemapCharacter.onUpdate ()

Update character state based on user input
TilemapCharacter.overlappingTerrainTiles (displace)

Returns tile co-ordinates of all terrain tiles overlapping the character

Returns Array : The terrain tile co-ordinates

TilemapCharacter.setDestination (gridCoords)

Set a destination (a tile to move to) for the character.

{x: number, y: number} gridCoords : The tilemap coordinates to move to

Returns boolean : Whether it was possible to add the destination (i.e. it isn't blocked by objects with collisions)

TilemapCharacter.setRotationOffset (offset)

Calculates the rotations needed for the character

offset : The rotation offset to use when automatic rotations is enabled

TilemapCharacter.updateAnimation (direction, noMove)

Plays the correct animation depending on the control input state

direction : A string represent the compass direction that most closely matches the characters movement

noMove : A flag specifying that no input controls are active

TilemapCharacter.updateGamepadState ()

Samples the gamepad to get the current states of the buttons and axis
If buttons are pressed, the state is stored in this._gamepadStates
Analog values that exceed a threshold value are also stored as true in this._gamepadStates
TilemapCharacter.updateVelComponent (noMove, vel, direction)

Adds a direction velocity, taking into account diagonal motion

noMove : Whether or not a velocity component has already been added

vel : The current velocity

direction : A string representing the compass direction

TilemapCharacter.updateVelocity ()

Updates the velocity and calculates the closest direction for the animation system

Returns {noMove: boolean, vel: {x: number, y: number}, direction: *} : Data relevant to resolving movement

TilemapCharacter.velocityToDirection (vel)

Returns the closest movement direction given a provided velocity

vel : Velocity or unit vector to calculate direction from
