'I want to make a game!', sound familiar?
Every day I read forum posts from people making similar statements. Often people want to make the next brilliant mmo or Call of Duty. A sense of futility soon sets in when experienced developers reply, explaining the hundreds of artists that worked on a project or the thousands of hours in overtime needed to get a game shipped.
These replies are applicable to most 'triple A' games out there. It costs millions to create these titles, polished to perfection and tailored very carefully to appeal to as many players as possible. It is not possible for one person to make a game on that scale, however it is a worthy goal that starts with making simpler games to learn the ropes.
Here at Clockwork Chilli, we endeavour to make it as easy as possible for you to create your own games, that's why today we are proud to announce the release of WADE 3.0.
WADE has undergone major changes since its last incarnation. Our director, whom you know on the forums as 'Gio', has been working tirelessly for months getting everything ready for this release. At the same time I have been creating the new website which you are now reading this post on. I do hope nothing breaks in the near future, the red bull stocks are running low...
The biggest change to WADE is the new isometric engine. Isometric functionality is now fully integrated into the online editor for free. We've cleaned up the interface a bit with a focus on ease of use and even included a tile set editor so you can go wild building your own isometric worlds.
Physics for WADE has been completely re written. Wade now uses the very popular box2d physics engine. The extra functionality this provides is also available in the online editor though we will be adding even more to this in the next release of WADE.
Now for my part :) We have completely rebuilt the website on the node platform, using express and MongoDB. Exporting a monolith of Sql into Mongo was an interesting challenge, one that I am not eager to repeat. In short this means our site is no longer dependant on bloated php frameworks that slow everything to a halt. We also have a mascot of sorts, the magnificent Chilli Mech, which can be seen at the top of this post.
We hope you are as excited as we are about all of our new features. If you have been thinking about making your own game, this is definitely the time to start. WADE makes it simple, reducing the amount of code you have to write, leaving you free to focus on your idea, we hope it's a good one. Thanks for reading everybody, happy game making!
For a full list of changes, checkout the change log