What would you like to see next?

Hi everyone

We're starting to move towards our 1.0 release, and I think it's a good time to ask you which features you would like to see.
We see WADE 1.0 as an important milestone - calling it 1.0 means that we feel it's a complete, stable solution that can be used to create great, high-quality 2D games of any kind. 
Obviously we will still add more features after 1.0, but the focus will be more on plug-in's, additional components and visual editors after that point.
Just to be clear, here I'm just talking about basic features that should be part of the main WADE engine - so don't say things such as "physics" or "isometric view" or "a particle system", because those will be additional plug-in's. A good example is something like "the ability to flip or mirror a sprite", or more input events, more draw functions, and so on.
In other words, please suggest small features that you would end up using in any type of game - if they're big features, or specific for one genre, please feel free to suggest those as well, but they're likely to end up in a plug-in rather than in the base engine.
We want to make sure that WADE 1.0 has everything that you may need. We have some ideas and a list of planned features, but it's possible  that we're missing something that you want - so lets us know!
Comments 16 to 24 (24 total)

We are finalizing the list of things that will go into the next version (0.9.2), so if you have any "urgent" requests shout now an we'll see if we can do it.

Regarding 1.0, in addition to (most) of your suggestions, we were thinking to add support for gamepads and accelerometers, but also a local database (for browsers that support indexedDB), which could be useful for non-game apps.
We can't think of any more major features that are missing, but maybe you do? If you do, let us know!

Please I need way to rotate objects gradually, like sceneObject.moveTo. Maybe sceneObject.rotateTo ?


Hi, I'm quite new here. The engine is great and the tutorials are easy to pick up. Can I request for a tutorial for a preloader bar or even a preloader text. Thanks!


Sure, I've just added a simple snippet that shows how to display a loading image here.


You could add a progress bar by loading data asynchronously (with wade.preloadImage for example) and setting a callback to update your progress bar when each image (or sound) is loaded.


It may be worth adding a couple of functions to WADE to make it easier to create a progress bar... I'll keep that in mind for version 1.1


Thanks! that would be very helpful  :)


I've just thought of one little thing to add that would be nice: at present, when you create an animation and add it to a sprite (which doesn't have any animations yet), you have to set the size of the sprite manually with sprite.setSize(). If you don't do that, the sprite doesn't show up because its size is 0.


It would be very convenient if wade could set the size of the sprite automatically when the animation is added.


I would like to add another vote for a progress bar!


I would like to add  possibilty to open 2 scripts :


Request for Writing Augmented Reality Applications using Wade and JSARToolKit.

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