problems with animation transparency


I think that i try everything, but it no work as i planned.

In my case i have Object and some listeners: onMouseIn and on MouseOut I want that sprite be semi-semi-transparent on hover (.25) and then again non-transparent on mouseOut.(I greatly simplified, because in my example there is a tile on which there are objects that I want to make translucent when you hover the mouse on the tiles)

First i try:

            b.onMouseIn = function() {
                this.getSprite(0).setDrawModifiers([{type: 'alpha', alpha: .2}]);
            b.onMouseOut = function() {
                this.getSprite(0).setDrawModifiers([{type: 'alpha', alpha: 1}]);                    

also i try:

b.onMouseOut = function() {

some problems with onMouse listeners if litle lags detected and this construct do sprite alpha = .2 but not 1 on mouseOut

Then i try:

b.onMouseIn = function() {                       this.getSprite().setDrawFunction(wade.drawFunctions.alpha_(1,this.getSprite().draw));
b.onMouseOut = function() {

same effect - sprites set semi-transparent and not back to alpha=1 again

Then i try with Path:

            b.onMouseIn = function() {
            b.onMouseOut = function() {

But it call some laggy when i move mouse on my gamescreen...

Please help. It seems easy, but i broke my brain ;)

Comments 1 to 15 (21 total)


I think I understand what may be confusing you... the fact is that draw functions are always chained. When you do:


This applies an alpha draw function on top of the Sprite's current draw function. Say that the current draw function is the default draw function, what you get is:

- Set Alpha to 0.2
- Draw the sprite with its default draw function

Then onMouseOut you are doing this:


What you do there means: "Add a draw function with alpha 1 on top of the current Sprite's draw function". But you had already modified the current draw function. So overall you get:

- Set Alpha to 1
- Set Alpha to 0.2
- Draw the sprite with its default draw function

So maybe what you want to do is:

var originalDrawFunction = b.getSprite().getDrawFunction();

b.onMouseIn = function() 

b.onMouseOut = function() 

However I think that doing this with a Path would look nicer and smoother (not only you change the opacity, but you do so smoothly with some transition). I think that you are experiencing some lag because the current behavior of SceneObject.setPath() is that you set a path, and the object will start following it on the next simulation step. This will change in version 3.6, the SceneObject will start following the Path immediately. But for now you could do this, as a workaround:




Bigt big Thank you, Gio!

Now it clearly absolutly.

About lag problem - i have some PC, one of them show 50-6(!!!) FPS.

What is my code: it is generated map

 for(var i=0;i<100;i++){
   for(var j=0;j<100;j++){
    var newMarker = wade.getSceneObject("Marker").clone();//layer 16 as ground

    // isertt another objects like houses and trees on layer 15

total i have ~15000-20000 objects 10000 of them is "Marker" clones. Where "Marker" is:

            var a = new Sprite('images/ground.png',16);//it rhombus 512*256
            var activeMarker = new Sprite('ui/activemarker.png',16);//it rhombus 512*256
            var hoverMarker = new Sprite('images/hovermarker.png',16);//it rhombus 512*256
            var b = new SceneObject(a);
            wade.addEventListener(b, 'onClick');
            wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseIn');
            wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseOut');

May be descrease of FPS because i use so much listeners with pixelperfect (10000 listeners seems weird , but i dont understand logic of wade ) ?

There is a another way make reactive objects with hover and click listeners without adding listeners for each object, but use global listener of wade?


I think it is reasonable to assume that having so many event listeners would slow thing down. Especially mouseIn and mouseOut, they are pretty expensive. They have to be pretty expensive, because there are a wide variety of cases that they need to be able to cover (for example some objects may be listening for mouseOut only and not mouseIn, etc.).

However in your particular case you should be able to greatly simplify this, as it seems that you can only ever have one object with a hover state at any one time. You may be able to speed it up even more if you have all your listener sprites on the same layer, and also if you know that those sprites aren't overlapping each other.

In general, when you have so many potential listeners, I would use a different approach: use a function to listen for some global mouse events (for example only onClick and onMouseMove). In that function, get the sprites at the current mouse poisition, then handle the logic for showing / hiding / changing the transparency of your objects without onMouseIn and onMouseOut events.

var currentHoverObject; = function(data)
	var worldPosition = wade.screenPositionToWorld(layerId, data.screenPosition);
	var area = {minX: worldPosition.x, maxX: worldPosition.x, minY: worldPosition.y, maxY: worldPosition.y};
	var sprites = wade.getSpritesInArea(area, layerId);
	// if you know that there may be  multiple sprites overlapping each other, add some code to get the one that you 
        // care about. Here for simplicity I am assuming that only the first sprite is important
	var sprite = sprites[0];
	if (sprite)
		var obj = sprite.getSceneObject();
		if (obj != currentHoverObject)
			if (currentHoverObject)
	currentHoverObject = obj;

Having said that, if you are experiencing poor performance, it's always a good idea to run a profile to see what the actual cause is. Do not guess, even if I think that in this case it was a good guess :)


i sad because profiler for me as a pink unicorn ^)

Last question in this:

i have a big big city - code where for(100)  - it only one district, of hundreds,

For now - i generate it procedural,  

But actually i will get this array from server (server part yet allready complete).

And all new districts, loaded from server will be added  on canvas to drawing districts

Question is - i have a thousands objects with "onclick" listeners, or behaviors with "onclick" listeners - maybe good idea  - rewrite "onclick" too as you show me in previous post?


Yes, I think that's a good idea. To be clear, that's roughly what wade.iso already does... but I know you don't want to use that :)  So yeah, perhaps write something similar for onClick. In fact, it'd be even simpler for onClick.


Big big mistery

it seems not easy.Ok i have an object:

var a = new Sprite('images/ground.png',16);//it rhombus 512*256
//bla bla bla
wade.addEventListener(b, 'onClick');
wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseIn');
wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseOut');

next step i  coment this lines:

wade.addEventListener(b, 'onClick');
//wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseIn');
//wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseOut');

and uncomment this:

b.onMouseIn = function() 
//    bla

b.onMouseOut = function() 
//bla bla

and in insert your code

it work not as i expect (because i have intersected rhombus sprites and it code call erron on objects without onMouseIn function) and i commented your code in app.onMouseMove,

but hover - effect is working! until i comment onMouseIn and Uot functions for object

b.onMouseIn = function() 
//    bla

b.onMouseOut = function() 
//bla bla

How it work without wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseIn') ???

And how it do with sprite with intersect and irregular form:

p.s. i still try do it without iso plugin


How it work without wade.addEventListener(b, 'onMouseIn')

When you call wade.addSceneObject(b), WADE will look in your object and all its behaviors to see if it's got any functions that match event names. If b.onMouseIn is defined, it will automatically listen for onMouseIn. You don't need to call wade.addEventListener() explicitly.

If you want you can do wade.addSceneObject(b, false) and WADE will NOT look for functions that match event names. In that case, you will need to listen for events explicitly.

If you have multiple sprites on top of each other, like I said in my code comment above, you may want to find the right ones to catch mouse events. Perhaps add an isRhombus flag on the relevant sprites, or something along those lines.


How add functions when number of objects are hundreds? As i understand  use Behavior is equal listenrers ?

Will i do wade.addSceneObject(a, false),a,onMouseIn(){{},wade.addSceneObject(b, false),b,onMouseIn(){{},wade.addSceneObject(c, false)c,onMouseIn(){{}...

Or add behaviour to each object with false autolisten will not use event without my call??

P.S. honestly I'm not yet annoying you with my questions?


Don't worry I only answer questions on the forum when I need a break from coding, so it's no bother :)

If you have lots of objects that need to behave in the same way, using the same Behavior for all of them is probably the better solution. Among other things, this allows you to change code in one place and have it reflected everywhere.

It doesn't matter if the onMouseIn function is defined for your object or for your behavior: if you call wade.addSceneObject(b), it will automatically listen for onMouseIn, even if it's only defined in the Behavior and not on the object itself. You would still need to call wade.addSceneObject(b, false) if you don't want the object to listen for onMouseIn. Alternatively, you could rename the onMouseIn  function and use some other name that does not match an event name.


My desire seems impossible...

Hi, Gio, i think that impossible.

I again teel less about this gameplay: there is 2 layers of objects, whitch each player can interract - ground layer (player can buy piece of city) and building layer (player can build new and interract with existing building such as attack, defend upgrade etc.)

According you decision i remove all eventlisteners from objects and leave only global eventlisteners on click, onmove etc.

Now i check every mouseMove whitch rhombus over mouse (i see every point as a couple of lines and if it in rhombus - rhombus is hovered, less math but look like pixelperfect)

Ok it work very nice with rhombus - because it have a regular form and spaces.

But buildings... Very irregular and intersected - so simple math no working,

I go on the way - when i create map - i make an array for ground objects. As example: 

var newMarker = wade.getSceneObject("Marker").clone();  //ground tile
newMarker.cellX = dataCoordsx;
newMarker.cellY = dataCoordsy;
newMarker.cellXY = dataCoordsx+"/"+dataCoordsy;
newMarker.containobj = [];//array for all building on this area
newMarker.price = 10000;
newMarker.owner = "Mr. Smith";

//insert random building on map

var newShop = wade.getSceneObject(get_random(list)).clone();  
newMarker.containobj.push(newShop);//insert it in array of mother tile 

This way help me "shoot two rabbits per one shot" - i know whitch building is hovered - only knew whitch tile is hovered.

But it look not like pixelperfect...

I see that in flash games it work fine - flash is so much better???

And so pure performance too also when i want change opacity for buildings under chosen.

I stalled.

I add a car that move and this one moving car go slow and partial move.

I don't know the reason maybe the fact that too many objects on the map? but then there will be more requests to the server (if map will be less in N times there are  N power 2 request to server)

In which direction to move to optimize?
Reducing the size of the map doesn't give you much improvement.
Can be the size of the images too big?
Maybe it's worth to combine them into a single sprite sheet? Maybe  i must descrease UI elemets with listeners (although I haven't even finished it)?

Please see it  here link 

i recreate this on Phaser and result is weird - ypu can see if you want here  (and this is the reason beacause i falling in love to WADE :))))



I try this^

//first method seems faster
var hoverromb = [];
var screenArea = {};
screenArea.minX = screenArea.maxX = eventData.screenPosition.x;
screenArea.minY = screenArea.maxY = eventData.screenPosition.y;
var sprites = wade.getSpritesInScreenArea(screenArea);                    
for(var j=0;j<sprites.length;j++){
  if(sprites[j].getSceneObject().cellXY == nPos.H+"/"+nPos.V){

//second method
var hoverromb = wade.getSceneObjects("cellXY",nPos.H+"/"+nPos.V);

first method  seems faster


Nothing is impossible :)

Surely you only need to optimise it a bit. From the screenshot of your profile above I can see that you are spending a lot (A LOT!) of time in wade.getSceneObjects(). Perhaps you can avoid this call? It must be possible to avoid it and do something faster instead


But how get object under mouse cursor without wade.getSceneObjects()?

And why method 1 in previous post seems working faster?

i try to remove/reduce wade.getSceneobjects() - but how how make an interactive objects

Next step -  porfornance discreased by wade.setLayerSorting(this.gamelayers.GAME_OBJ_LAYER,'bottomToTop');

I commented this - but now as you understand - cars move above buildings etc.

How use sorting without less perfonmance?


I don't understand why you need wade.getSceneObjects()... the function that I posted above does not use it.

wade.getSceneObjects(property, value) iterates over ALL the objects in the scene, which in your case is a lot of objects. This explains why your second method is much slower, I believe.

The wade.iso module, instead, maintains a 2d array of all the objects in each cell, and as such it's much faster at getting the objects in a specific cell. You could do the same. Or have a "cellXY" object that contains one array per cell. But again, it seems that you will end up rewriting what wade.iso does... wouldn't it be quicker to just use that?

Sorting is (I think) as quick as it can be. It only sorts objects that may have moved, and anything that is near the moving objects, deciding which sorting algorithm to use depending on the actual numbers. If you want to have such a large world, you should stop objects that are far away from the player from moving (and playing animations and all that). Only update their positions and animations when the player is getting close, otherwise it's going to do a lot of calculations for nothing.

Perhaps you could just remove far away objects from them scene, and re-add them when they're closer to the player. They will still be in memory, just not part of the scene, so they won't affect sorting and won't process events, speeding everything up.


Please do not take offense at me,
Just explain that I started with isometric plugin but it is not enough memory in Google chrome if you do a map of 100*100, then the infinite scrolling mechanism with isometric plugin too, in my opinion, would have memory consumption if  i will  sometimes add tiles with arrays of 100*100.
Of course there are a huge number of optimizations, which I still have not figured out yet.
But I think the most sensible way to do map-type infinite scrolling - all that is outside of the camera is removed, all the movement is added from the array map of the world.
Thus in the visible region ( and indeed in the mountains WADE) will be only a limited number of objects. And i can safely hang already event handlers to objects such as mouse movement, hovering the mouse etc.

But the question arises - how to control the visible area?
While I'm only using the function for mouse movement ( when the player scrolled map) and when the mouse wheel changes the zoom in this point I create a zone terminator (as the lunar terminator(solar)) and remove all objects which it touches:

 terminator.minX = terminator.maxX = wade.screenPositionToWorld(16, {x:- wade.getScreenWidth()/2- RowWidth/cameraPos.z,y:0}).x;
 terminator.minY = wade.screenPositionToWorld(16, {x:0,y:-wade.getScreenHeight()/2}).y;
 terminator.maxY = wade.screenPositionToWorld(16, {x:0,y:wade.getScreenHeight()/2}).y;                            
 var SpritesToTerminateOnLeft1 = wade.getSpritesInArea(terminator,16);                        
 for(var j=0;j<SpritesToTerminateOnLeft1.length;j++){
   for(var l=0;l<SpritesToTerminateOnLeft1[j].getSceneObject().containobj.length;l++) {                                                wade.removeSceneObject(SpritesToTerminateOnLeft1[j].getSceneObject().containobj[l]);
}                                wade.removeSceneObject(SpritesToTerminateOnLeft1[j].getSceneObject())

And now I wonder - delete object - removes all event handlers of this object? Enough wade.removeSceneObject(object) without removeEventListener
Logically everything seems to be automatically removed by the JavaScript garbage collector. But maybe it collected in some array of WADE

In General, two questions for you - is it enough to just delete the object?
And the question is how to track change visible area (camera view).
Or here are my terminators in hand to hang only on the function associated with changes in the visible region such as a movement or zoom(mouseMove and Scroll)

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