PhysicsObject.addFixture (fData)
Add a fixture to the physics body. A fixture is a convex shape with physics properties, and each physics body can have any number of fixtures.
PhysicsObject.addMouseJoint (offset)
Add a mouse joint. A mouse joint is a target point that the object will try to follow when possible.
PhysicsObject.applyForce (force, power, offset)
PhysicsObject.applyImpulse (impulse, power, offset)
PhysicsObject.applyTorque (torque)
PhysicsObject.draw_ (color, originalDraw)
Get a debug draw function that shows the physics object using vector graphics. It currently only works for circle shapes.
PhysicsObject.getFixtureList ()
Get a list of fixtures attached to this object
PhysicsObject.getJointList ()
Get a list of joints attached to this object
PhysicsObject.removeFixture (fixture)
removeFixture Remove a fixture
PhysicsObject.removeMouseJoint (joint)
Remove a mouse joint from this object
PhysicsObject.setAwake (value)
Set a physics object as awake or not. Objects can be not awake when they're resting on top of other objects, to improve the performance of the simulation
PhysicsObject.updateMouseJoint (joint, pos)
Update the position of the target point for a mouse joint