
Fields Summary


The drawFunctions module contains a set of draw functions to use with WADE.

Functions Summary

wade.drawFunctions.additive_ (originalDrawCall)

Draw a sprite with additive blending. In WebGL mode it will use a separate blend function (SRC_ALPHA, ONE, SRC_ALPHA, ONE)
wade.drawFunctions.alpha_ (alpha, draw)

Draw a sprite multiplying its original transparency by a specified value
wade.drawFunctions.blink_ (timeOn, timeOff, draw)

Draw a blinking sprite, using the specified draw function
wade.drawFunctions.boundingBox_ (axisAlignedColor, orientedColor, originalDrawCall)

Draw the bounding boxes of the sprite
wade.drawFunctions.composite_ (operation, originalDrawCall)

Draws using the specified global composite operation (see for reference)
wade.drawFunctions.drawRect_ (color, borderWidth)

Draw a rectangle (borders only).
wade.drawFunctions.fadeOpacity_ (alphaStart, alphaEnd, time, originalDrawCall, callback)

Draw a sprite, gradually changing its transparency over time.
wade.drawFunctions.flip_ (originalDrawCall)

Draws a flipped image of the sprite (mirrored vertically)
wade.drawFunctions.gradientFill_ (gradientDirection, colors)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a linear color gradient
wade.drawFunctions.grid_ (numCellsX, numCellsY, color, lineWidth)

Draw a grid with equally-spaced lines
wade.drawFunctions.mirror_ (originalDrawCall)

Draws a mirror image of the sprite
wade.drawFunctions.radialGradientCircle_ (colors, fadeOutColor)

Draw a circle with a radial gradient. The radius of the circle is calculated based on the size of the sprite's bounding box, and is half of the smaller dimension.
wade.drawFunctions.resizeOverTime_ (startWidth, startHeight, endWidth, endHeight, time, originalDrawCall, callback)

Draw a sprite that changes size over time
wade.drawFunctions.resizePeriodically_ (startWidth, startHeight, endWidth, endHeight, period, originalDrawCall)

Draw a sprite that changes size periodically over time
wade.drawFunctions.solidFade_ (r0, g0, b0, a0, r1, g1, b1, a1, numFrames, callback)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a color that transitions to another color over a specified number of frames
wade.drawFunctions.solidFillInt_ (color)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a solid color, restricting all coordinates to integer numbers. This may be needed for the drawing to work on some specific browsers, such as Chrome for Android
wade.drawFunctions.solidFill_ (color)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a solid color.
wade.drawFunctions.transparent_ ()

Make a sprite transparent (i.e. - do not draw it)

Fields Details


The drawFunctions module contains a set of draw functions to use with WADE.

A common usage example is:


Function Details

wade.drawFunctions.additive_ (originalDrawCall)

Draw a sprite with additive blending. In WebGL mode it will use a separate blend function (SRC_ALPHA, ONE, SRC_ALPHA, ONE)

function originalDrawCall (optional): The draw function to use

Returns function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.alpha_ (alpha, draw)

Draw a sprite multiplying its original transparency by a specified value

number alpha : The opacity to use when drawing the sprite

function draw : The draw function to use


Draw a blinking sprite, using the specified draw function

number timeOn : How many seconds the sprite should be displayed

number timeOff : How many seconds the sprite should be hidden

function draw : The draw function to use

wade.drawFunctions.boundingBox_ (axisAlignedColor, orientedColor, originalDrawCall)

Draw the bounding boxes of the sprite

string axisAlignedColor (optional): The color to use for the axis-aligned bounding box. Default is 'red'

string orientedColor (optional): The color to use for the oriented bounding box. Default is 'blue'

Function originalDrawCall (optional): The original draw call of the sprite

Returns Function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.composite_ (operation, originalDrawCall)

Draws using the specified global composite operation (see for reference)

string operation : The global composite operation to use

Function originalDrawCall (optional): The original draw call of the sprite

Returns Function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.drawRect_ (color, borderWidth)

Draw a rectangle (borders only).

string color : An HTML color string, for example '#ffffff', '#fff', 'white', or 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'

number borderWidth : The width of the border

Returns Function : A draw function to use with a Sprite object

wade.drawFunctions.fadeOpacity_ (alphaStart, alphaEnd, time, originalDrawCall, callback)

Draw a sprite, gradually changing its transparency over time.

number alphaStart : The initial opacity, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (fully opaque)

number alphaEnd : The final opacity

number time : How many seconds the transition should last. Note that this won't be extremely accurate, as it ultimately depends on the actual frame rate of the app.

function originalDrawCall (optional): The draw function to use

function callback (optional): A function to execute when the transition is over

Returns function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.flip_ (originalDrawCall)

Draws a flipped image of the sprite (mirrored vertically)

Function originalDrawCall (optional): The original draw call of the sprite

Returns Function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.gradientFill_ (gradientDirection, colors)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a linear color gradient

Object gradientDirection : An object whose 'x' and 'y' fields represent the gradient's direction. Note that this has to be a unit vector.

Array colors : An array of strings representing HTML colors. The array must contain at least 2 elements

Returns Function : A draw function to use with a Sprite object

wade.drawFunctions.grid_ (numCellsX, numCellsY, color, lineWidth)

Draw a grid with equally-spaced lines

number numCellsX : The number of horizontal cells

number numCellsY : The number of vertical cells

string color : A string representing an HTML color

number lineWidth (optional): The width of the lines, in world units. Default is 1

Returns Function : A draw function to use with a Sprite object

wade.drawFunctions.mirror_ (originalDrawCall)

Draws a mirror image of the sprite

Function originalDrawCall (optional): The original draw call of the sprite

Returns Function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.radialGradientCircle_ (colors, fadeOutColor)

Draw a circle with a radial gradient. The radius of the circle is calculated based on the size of the sprite's bounding box, and is half of the smaller dimension.

Array colors : An array of strings representing HTML colors. The array must contain at least 2 elements

string fadeOutColor (optional): the outer color to fade out to. Default is rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), which is transparent black.

Returns Function : A draw function to use with a Sprite object

wade.drawFunctions.resizeOverTime_ (startWidth, startHeight, endWidth, endHeight, time, originalDrawCall, callback)

Draw a sprite that changes size over time

startWidth : The initial width

startHeight : The initial height

endWidth : The final width

endHeight : The final height

time : The time it takes to change size, in seconds

originalDrawCall : The original draw function of the sprite

callback : A function to execute when it's finished changing size

Returns Function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.resizePeriodically_ (startWidth, startHeight, endWidth, endHeight, period, originalDrawCall)

Draw a sprite that changes size periodically over time

startWidth : The initial width

startHeight : The initial height

endWidth : The final width

endHeight : The final height

period : The time it takes to change size (from initial to final or viceversa), in seconds

originalDrawCall : The original draw call of the sprite

Returns Function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()

wade.drawFunctions.solidFade_ (r0, g0, b0, a0, r1, g1, b1, a1, numFrames, callback)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a color that transitions to another color over a specified number of frames

number r0 : The red component of the first color. Valid values are integers between 0 and 255 included

number g0 : The green component of the first color. Valid values are integers between 0 and 255 included

number b0 : The blue component of the first color. Valid values are integers between 0 and 255 included

number a0 : The alpha (opacity) component of the first color. Valid values are numbers between 0 and 1

number r1 : The red component of the second color. Valid values are integers between 0 and 255 included

number g1 : The green component of the second color. Valid values are integers between 0 and 255 included

number b1 : The blue component of the second color. Valid values are integers between 0 and 255 included

number a1 : The alpha (opacity) component of the second color. Valid values are numbers between 0 and 1

number numFrames : The duration of the transition between two colors, espressed as a frame count

Function callback (optional): A function to execute when the transition is complete

Returns Function : A draw function to use with a Sprite object

wade.drawFunctions.solidFillInt_ (color)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a solid color, restricting all coordinates to integer numbers. This may be needed for the drawing to work on some specific browsers, such as Chrome for Android

string color : An HTML color string, for example '#ffffff', '#fff', 'white', or 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'

Returns Function : A draw function to use with a Sprite object

wade.drawFunctions.solidFill_ (color)

Fill the sprite's bounding box with a solid color.

string color : An HTML color string, for example '#ffffff', '#fff', 'white', or 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'

Returns Function : A draw function to use with a Sprite object

wade.drawFunctions.transparent_ ()

Make a sprite transparent (i.e. - do not draw it)

Returns Function : The draw function to use with Sprite.setDrawFunction()
