wade blog


I have reworked my website into a blog showing some programming demos in Wade. I plan on posting a new one every week or two.

Go to my website and check it out.

I am willing to consider requests, so if you have something you would like to see demo'd, make a request and I'll see what I can do.

cheers- shri

Comments 16 to 30 (59 total)

new post on the site, "Steering 3 Pursue and Evade" - cheers


new post on the site, "Elemental Wars - part 1" - cheers


new post on the site. "Elemental Wars - part 2" - cheers


shri, in both parts "elemental wars" i see this:

i think it about webgl

and also,  can you make direct link to your blog posts here? it be very helpful i think



Thanks for the feedback. I have an older machine, so I don't usually force webgl. When I did though, I saw what you are talking about.

For some reason, this bit of code in the wade.init() function was causing a bunch of webgl errors ?

if (wade.getContainerHeight() <= 768) {
			console.log('setting mobile layer resolutions');
		 else {


Anyway, I removed that code and it seems to be running ok. I have pushed the updated code and the updated zip files to my website. I checked it and it works as advertised. Let me know if you have any other problems.

I sent Gio a couple of emails regarding placing some link or something from my blog to this site but received no reply.

cheers - Shri



Hey Shri

I have received no emails from you regarding that. It's ok to link to pages of your site directly, but also feel free to send me a private message here - not sure what happened to your emails, maybe they were caught in some spam filter? Anyway, PM will work.

If you add a link to each individual page when you post here, with the link text saying something significant (e.g. "How to handle a message queue" rather than "new post"), that helps Google know what your page is about and you get better search rankings.

Also, I have absolutely no idea why changing resolution factors on WebGl layers would cause that. I'll have a closer look, there must be a wade bug in there somewhere.


Elemental Wars Part 3 - new post - cheers


Elemental Wars part 4 - new post - cheers


Elemental Wars part 5 - new post - cheers


I liked the Elemental Wars series. Nice to see a complete game explained from start to finish. I've been using Wade for a long time now, but I still learned a couple of things from that.


Steering - Follow the Leader - new post - cheers


sorry, double post


Steering – Obstacles (collision avoidance) - new post - cheers


Thank Shri, it great job!

what i found:

- I found that members of team go out the map tile  if leader walking near borders 

- i think that blocking move when (click) fire not usual for this type of game - may be made it non-blocking-move-fire?



I'm glad you liked it.

Yes, the team members are not boundary checked, only the leader is. The move fire is a choice. The tutorial I was basing it on stops motion when firing.

Keep in mind, the posts on my blog are examples of how to do things in wade, not polished/released code. Feel free to take the base code and modify it in whatever way you want. The changes you suggest would be pretty easy to do .If you can't figure something out, post a question here or on my blog and I will be happy to try and answer.

cheers - Shri

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