wade blog


I have reworked my website into a blog showing some programming demos in Wade. I plan on posting a new one every week or two.

Go to my website and check it out.

I am willing to consider requests, so if you have something you would like to see demo'd, make a request and I'll see what I can do.

cheers- shri

Comments 46 to 59 (59 total)

Voronoi Diagram 2 - new post - cheers


Voronoi Diagram 3 - new post - chers


This Voronoi thing is cool, I think I could use it for procedural terrain generation. However looking at your latest demo, my main problem is that the results are alway a bit same-y. Is there an easy way to get it to generate more diverse results?



The current terrain generator is pretty simple. It only generates one "island", by picking 1 high spot (moutain peak) based on the screen width and height.  If you want to get more variation, you can look at this line, "voronoiBehavior.addIsland(x,y,1,0.996);" The parameters are where to put the peak, what the max height is (always 1, so ignore changing this parameter) and how fast to drop off the height on the next iteration (lower number faster drop off). If you want to play around with those parameters, you should see different results. You could also try calling the function multiple times - like this.


This should give you two different peaks, but I can't guarentee the results as I didn't test it this way much The current plan is to continue improving the terrain generator, so you could just wait until it is in better shape.

If you need to do some generation for a project now, follow the links in the blog, they should take you to a couple of completed terrain generators. One even allows you to export the terrain image as tiles (I think).

cheers - Shri




WTG (Wade Terrain Generator) v 0.1 - new post - cheers


WTG (Wade Terrain Generator) v 0.2 - new post - cheers


WTG (Wade Terrain Generator) v 0.3  -  new post  -  cheers


Hello Shri

This doesn't work for me anymore. In the console I see this message repeated many times:

Uncaught TypeError: context.beginPath is not a function

Is it possible you need to set your layers to 2d mode?




I am setting the layer mode to 2d for the geometry and map layers. However, I forgot to set it for the background layer (doh !!!), so that is why you are getting the error. The same error was in all three wtg posts. The app  now simply adds a grey box sprite as the background, so no drawing anymore.

It should be fixed, I pushed all the changes for WTG [1,2,3] to my site and the zip files have also been updated. My apologies.

I just looked at the updated stuff and there seems to be some wierd layer overdrawing going on. I will look into it to see if I can fix it? Maybe a problem with not forcing wade to redraw layers...stay tuned.

So, for some reason you have to set the UI layer to 2d also or else this funny overdraw occurs ? Anyway, I did some limited testing and it seems to be working as advertised. Let me know if there are any other problems. An updated version (WTG 3.5) should be posted soon.

cheers - Shri


WTG (Wade Terrain Generator) v 0.35 -  new post - cheers


WTG (Wade Terrain Generator) v 0.4 - new post

Let me know if anyone finds any problems - cheers


WTG (Wade Terrain Generator) v 0.45 - new post - cheers


HI shri - look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_color_theorem - you can use this for politic map

Let talk about performance - i create map with 23k sprites and get 

[Violation] 'mousedown' handler took 1517ms

i think you must use not 2d but webgl for this

may be use Sprite.drawToTexture(gpuTextureName, cpuTextureName) for this sprites?



Shri if you're all right. please resume the site, there was a lot of unique material

*if that I can offer free space on hosting or vds

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