wade blog


I have reworked my website into a blog showing some programming demos in Wade. I plan on posting a new one every week or two.

Go to my website and check it out.

I am willing to consider requests, so if you have something you would like to see demo'd, make a request and I'll see what I can do.

cheers- shri

Comments 31 to 45 (59 total)

Steering + finite state machine (FSM) - new post - cheers


That last post of yours is great! I hope you don't mind if I use it as a starting point for my next game :)



That is the exact point of the blog, so I'm glad you can use it. The only caveat is that the graphics assets are not mine to give, they belong to these guys. If you get stuck on something, drop a line here or on my blog and I will try to help if I can.

cheers - Shri


WALA - Wade Audio Library Adapter - new post - cheers


Great job with the audio stuff in your last post, very useful. I'd like to feature that in the blog on our site if you don't mind me reposting it (with a link to your site)?

As a side note, I have a plan to rewrite the audio interface in Wade at some point in the near(ish) future, as it's really too basic now. WebAudio support is pretty widespread these days, so it's probably time for an overhaul. And in the meantime, yours is a very neat solution!



No problem on linking the post,  I plan on upgrading/extending the last post in my next post to make it more complete.

Not sure if revamping the audio stuff in wade is worth it, both howler and buzz are kept fairly up to date and howler looks to have a lot of supporters. Along with those two, there are others like tone and SoundJS that also look interesting.

Maybe you should repeat the box2d idea on this one and punt. - just my two cents

cheers - Shri


updated the demo in the last post (WALA) - hopefully I didn't break anything - cheers


liquid fun with Wade - new post - cheers


last post - so expensive for cpu, i think it may be some optimize.

at first look may be - use for(){} istead while() construction for loops because for(){} most fast method in js

then - use wade.clone instead new SceneObject 

then caching sprites

i think it very important to look deep into  this example for better performance



Good ideas, please feel free to make the changes and repost to the forum..

cheers - shri



Hey, I have a suggestion to make.

Well, maybe two suggestions, one for myselft first: implement pagination for the forum threads - this is a very good thread but having over 40 replies on the same page is getting close to unmanageable. I'll see if I can do this quickly.

And one for you Shri: you can now open projects in the wade editor from a remote url, I think this is something that would be nice for your future blog posts. Instead of linking to a zip that people would have to download, extract, then start a local static server, then connect to it... it'd be much easier to give them a link that they can click and the project opens in the wade editor, they can edit code there and click run to test it.

This works even if your project wasn't originally made using the editor - obviously there won't be any scene objects for people to drag and drop around, but they'd be able to edit scripts instantly, and this will increase the chances of people contributing changes to them.

All you have to do to make this work, is add a file called myProject.wade to your project (replace with the actual project name of course). This is a small json file that just lists all the files in the project. Then you can create a link such as this:


For example, this link opens the physics platformer project in the editor

The easiest way to generate the .wade file would be by dragging all your project files into the editor. Then if you click the button at the top to download the srouce code, you'll get a zip that includes all your files + that .wade file.

Oh and another thing - I think the editor expects the main file to be called app.js (for the purpose of running your code in the preview window). The preview window basically uses its own index.html, so if you change your own index.html and called the main app file something else, it won't find it.

Anyway, just a suggestion. I'll try to do the pagination now.

By the way Shri, did you see your private messages? I sent you one some time ago, didn't get a reply.



I'm going to be out of town for a couple of weeks, so this will have to wait

I have a couple of questions/ comments though.

1) Would this mean people reading the blog would have r/w access to the files on my website ? Or does the editor copy the files form the remote server locally and not editing the original ?

2) My blog is not a collaborative development environment and I don't really want it to be. If people want to make changes, I would rather they they do it on their own. That is why all the sources are available  If someone has something concrete and suggests improvments that is fine and I'll consider making changes or if I have moved onto a different topic won't.

3) Perhaps a better solution would be to do what you outlined above for the posts you asked to repost on the Wade site ?

The last private message I recveived from you was dated July 3, I responded on July 4 (I think I have the dates correct) I haven't seen anything new since then? Try pm'ing something to me today and I'll make sure to check, or send me an email.

cheers - Shri


Hey Shri

When you open a project in the editor through a link such as that one above, all files are downloaded to the user's local file system. So yeah it's just a copy of your files, no r/w access to the original ones.

I was suggesting that to make it easier for people to open files, look at the code and play with it without having to go through the struggle of downloading, extracting, hosting etc. But it's up to you of course.

Oh and yes, you did reply to my PM - somehow I had missed it, my bad.


Steering - Queue - new post - cheers


Voronoi Diagram 1 - new post - cheers

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