im new to wade , kindly help me first make a welcome message and game menu . then lvl1 find 5 garbages in the river. with timer and score
congratzMessage still not working
onmousedown .. right sir?
maybe its wrong to delete my first congratzMessage object on scene2?
sir i ddnt use congratz.wsc now... i only change the text to image when the play found all the garbages ,, image visible congratz.png .... sir what to do if the congratz message will show.. i want also a button image to show (click to play lvl2)
i mean sir in bg music .. when i go to scene2.. i want scene1 bg music stop and i want scene2 bgmusic play.. is it possible?
sir why is it that i just deleted 1 png file (not important) then it ruins my game.. is it bug?
why i cant click the object now sir? im sure i follow your instructions
sir need your help right now.. objectToFind true is not working .. i need to finish this now
ill wait for your reply sir ty hays... when i put objectToFind true in one of the garbages .. i cant click it
> i mean sir in bg music .. when i go to scene2.. i want scene1 bg music stop and i want scene2 bgmusic play.. is it possible?
Yes. Have you tried what I suggested above? Adding a flow chart to scene2 where the only box is a "Stop bg music" box? Did that not work?
> when i put objectToFind true in one of the garbages .. i cant click it
I don't think that just adding that property to an object will make any difference in terms of being able to click it. There must be something else going on that is not working. Do you get any errors in the console?
sir is there a problem when downloading to android? i cant hear the bg music
done putting the timeline event lifepoints but sir where can i see the lifepoints on my game screen? i followed your instructions but seems i cant click the object with this
if ( === 0)
return true;
> sir is there a problem when downloading to android? i cant hear the bg music
Has the music file been added to the scene audio files? If so, try selecting the "Web Audio Only" option in the scene properties, see if that makes a difference...
> seems i cant click the object with this
I am not sure what you want to happen when you click that object. I thought you just wanted to lose a life point, is that not happening? That is, if you click it 3 times, it's game over?
> where can i see the lifepoints on my game screen
This depends on where you want to see them. You could do the same thing that you did with your scoreText object. Follow the exact same steps as above, except this time call the object lifePointsText. In the timeline, when you set your to 3, do this too:
Then in the onMouseDown function of objects that make you lose life points, change your code to this:;
if ( === 0)
return true;
cannot read property 'getsprite' of undefined (sceneobjec,
should i put this also in hiddenobject.js ?
sir kindly enlighten me please.....